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* Ruling house(s): [[Menthell]], [[Haldean]], [[Artipellin]], [[Wyny]] & [[Edmyr]] (the [[Governors]])
* Ruling house(s): [[Menthell]], [[Haldean]], [[Artipellin]], [[Wyny]] & [[Edmyr]] (the [[Governors]])
* Population: 200,000 (more?)
* Population: 200,000
* Militia: The [[Stripes]] (2,000)
* Militia: The [[Stripes]] (2,000)

Revision as of 23:47, 14 February 2015

Some of this includes notes in their purest form. Ignore things you can't understand. :)

Capitoleum is like its name suggests the capitol of much of the Realms. It is under the control of the Governors, the five most powerful noble Houses.

Overview of the city


Capitoleum is not the official capitol, but was simply the centrum of an empire that broke into pieces about 2-400 years ago. Instead it is the de facto centre for trading and much production and the city has a population at least 10 times larger than the second largest city in the Midrealms. All other major factions of the area have some sort of interest in Capitoleum.


Food comes from a zone donated by four of the Governors aroud the city called the Resplendent Fields, which are irrigated and also use spells to increase the yield, supporting about 80% of the city's need for food.

Areas of Capitoleum

Areas of the city

Most cities have distinct boroughs, districts or general areas that are named as part of a greater whole. In Capitoleum, there are both generalised areas as well as districts within these. The main features of the city are the forts, gates, areas in between and the prawl villages that have started to grow on the outside of the massive outer wall. So, without going in to too much detail, these are the Capitoleum areas.


Newtown (1. on the map) was as the name implies a newly designed city that was placed on the slight hill in between two old fortresses that were placed on what is now Capitoleum. The streets were drawn to be easy to navigate, leaving almost ridiculous amount of room. A massive fortres was planted and a wall was erected around the city. They had expected it to grow, but the rate took everyone by surprise and the decision was later made to make the massive ring wall now encompassing the city.

It was only in relatively modern times all the plots of land inside the main walls were sold.


Caldon (2. on the map), the Western fort, has stood on its present location for hundreds of years, and several of those before Newtown was even considered. The name originates from an old noble family surname, who ruled the lands from this fortified town. During the Barbarian Wars, Caldon was restored and reinforced as was its twin Penvald and used as part of the centre of fortifications in this part of the Realms. It was later simply outgrown by Capitoleum and swallowed whole.

Though no original inhabitants' descendants still live in Caldon, the people who started living there during the Barbarian Wars do have descendants still living there, and they have a particular set of opinions about themselves, such as having been here a lot longer than everyone else. Which is true, in a sense.


Penvald (3. on the map), the Eastern fort, shares much of its history with Caldon, even before the great wars. Penvald was another noble family which is now long gone, and it was at constant conflict with Caldon. The two neighbour towns frequently had minor skirmishes and schemes to undo the other. (wip!)

Rest of List

  • Newtown (middle fort)
  • Calond (west fort)
  • Penvald (east fort)
  • Westfield (west mid)
  • Bridge (east mid)
  • Whitefold (west lower)
  • Redfold (east lower)
  • Redhill (outer hill)
  • Whitehill (outer hill)
  • Westgate (west village (gate))
  • Scruffle (west, top village)
  • Farmgate (west, bot village)
  • Fargate (west mid gate)
  • Northpride (west, top vil)
  • Venhouse (west, bot vil)
  • Vengate (gate)
  • Western Northbrook (north, top, west)
  • Greater Northbrook (north, top)
  • Northbrook (north, bot)
  • Northgate (gate)
  • Mercoise (north, east)
  • Merchant's Gate
  • Eastgate (gate (East vil))
  • Western Tristad
  • Southerns Tristad
  • Eastern Tristad
  • Sandwish
  • Capital Bay
  • Resplendent Fields


For the history of Capitoleum, which intertwines significantly with the history of the rest of the Realms, see History.

From my notes

Note that several details have already been retconned, including the dates, but this is a close approximation of Capitoleum's history.

The biggest city in the travelled world. There are myths about all-golden cities in the far south on the Dragon Continent and even about floating cities across the Endless Seas, but people tend to dismiss that sort of dreamery.

There has been people living on the spot of capitoleum for a long time. Before the great city was founded, the two latest settlements were Calond to the west and Penvald to the East. These two towns are largely intact in the remaining (and enhanced) fortifications with the same names.

A majority of the infrastructure and defensive designs were created by Helfram Housetames Uldin who conquered, by force or diplomacy, all the then current noble houses between the years 1382 and 1429, about 300-250 years ago. This originally only included the moat, beginnings of the sewage system, the original canals (with flash-locks) and a large number of independent fortifications.

Helfram managed to appease both the Church of Rahn as well as the Sickle in exchange for support. The lands enjoyed peace and prosperity for all of his reign and that of his son Harald.

Harald "The Builder" Uldin continued the work of his father and started building road structures for a truly enormous city. He also set up a governing council under more official capacities and a court for the noble houses both for politics and enjoyment.

His reign saw a big influx in a population not torn by many conflicts and also immigration from every corner of the world, mainly to Capitoleum.

The already existing and much respected Family Register, with a long history of gathering information about courtly busineesses was given further powers as it became the de facto organisation to solve hereditry and court attendance.

In a similar fashion, the near unknown budding Haldean family with the, to that date, largest library and academic interest were given the mandate to design and run the Capitoleum University.

Harald's reign lasted from 1429 to 1442, when he died of old age and his only son Lidgast was crowned King of the Midrealm Kingdom.

Lidgast "the Breaker" Uldin became the last member of the Uldin family. He spent no time keeping up his anscestors' work and spent more money than the total wealth of the Uldin family.

Though most of the business continued working, by 1453, the Uldin family was in debt by almost all banks and houses that lent money.

By 1455, a drought that even the Sickle could not affect created hunger in the city. Lidgast had by then sold even a lot of the food reserves to pay for his extravagant lifestyle and a peasant/citizen revolt stated.

The current Governor houses quickly acted and siezed Lidgast and his family, including cousins and a tribunal was held.

Pressured by the common people (and probably all to happy to do it anyway) the Governors decided to hang Lidgast and family.

Afterwards, the Governors took over all control of the economical/food crisis with their own money. This weakened them, however, and a slow, outdrawn political and military civil war started.

Useful notes

  • DM guide helper
  • 20 000 Swedish police officers
  • Add something here about bad luck to rename a castle.
  • Son taking over, finish much. Creating aqueduct, fresh water and waste-removal. Also the first generation of the canal.
  • The Builder, The Engineer and The Ruiner.
  • During early Engineer days, attempted invasion. Was stopped and lessons learned.
  • During early Ruiner days was the great fire.
  • Magic crops just grow faster. No difference otherwise.