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The gods of the world of Hökaland do exist and they evolved in a similar fashion to human beings or other mortal races. There is a pantheon of gods where a large portion of humans (just about all humans in the Realms) consider Rahn to be the most important and the Church of Rahn is the main religion. Rahn is among others known as the creator of human kind. Naturally, what the gods do and feel doesn't always translate into mortal-made religions.

The Nature of Gods

Among the other sentient races, there are a couple of Elven gods, the Dwarven God and the Halfling Godess. However, the gods themselves are not overly concerned with human lives. Some like to meddle, and some like to study the cosmos itself further, or to unweave the fabric of reality. In any case, they are as kind, malicious, horny, hungry, jealous and every other attribute we can put on humans. These entities just happen to live on a different plane of reality, wield a lot more power to control their environments and a wider mind.

Known Gods

Other beings

  • World-all (the spirit of the world, in a sense)

Important Locations

  • The Volcano
  • The Cloud
  • The Shading Tree