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* All Citizen may apply. Taken through the Lesser Arena (run speed, thro spear, theory etc). 99% discarded
* All Citizen may apply. Taken through the Lesser Arena (run speed, thro spear, theory etc). 99% discarded
* 5 candidates go to The Arena
* 5 candidates go to The Arena
== Justice ==
Every citizen is his own advocate in times of law issues. Slaves and young are not citizen so the responsibility lies on the owner or parent.

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== History ==
== Countenance ==
While Mistofor has never been taken, areas of Mistofor control have been occupied at times but usually not for long. Mistofor has responded in kind by simply documenting Countenance (counting back in equal measure) in accordance with the order of things, and then invading the invader's home to pusrue the Countenance. Some Philosopher is brought with accurate lists of losses from the original invasion, including the value of items, violated citizen and lost slaves. The Philosopher would, after the military action is concluded, bring the mayor of the city to him and go through the numbers, asking the leader to provide wealth of equivalent measure, women and men that shall put through public executive rape on the spot and slaves to be taken.
Should the mayor refuse, his own home will first be emptied, himself raped and then himself taken as slave. Then the vice mayor, and going down in whatever order that city uses until all numbers are met or a leader provides appointments on which items/people to be affected. Naturally, there is an important distinction between citizen and slaves.
Generally, Mistoforians accept an attempted invasion and the prowess of their adversary. Any slaves taken are ''taken'' and will not be demanded back; other slaves will be taken in turn to even the scores. If a Mistoforian is taken as a slave then then he or she failed to defend themselves and rightfully belong to their new master. If a child is taken, its parents failed to protect it (however another child WILL be taken in turn). There is, however, plenty of precendence of families voluntarily purchasing the slaves back at a reasonable price (or else the takes is upsetting the order of things). During time of being a slave, a Mistofor will be an exceptionally loyal and good worker.
This methodical and emotionless custom is one of many reasons neighbouring kingdoms and city states are hesitant to attack Mistoforian lands.
== Fauna ==
In and around Mistofor there are several species of large spiders and vicious snakes. All part of the everyday ritual in Mistofor includes being very viligant for lethal dangers under every pillow.
One significant animal is the lindworm, of which a lot lives on the nearby islands. Every few years the islands are invaded by thousands of the spawn, which needs to be dealt with. Some of these are taken and trained as beasts of war for the military at great cost of lives and effort. The spawn is the "The start of the Wild hunt", denoted by this event.

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[[Category:Anacia City States]][[Category:Southrealms]][[Category:Factions]][[Category:Lore]]
[[Category:Anacia City States]][[Category:Southrealms]][[Category:Factions]][[Category:Lore]]
Men ett sånt rykte ger liksom demoraliserande penalty för motståndarna med -2 redan innan skill etc kommer med i matchen
Förklarar även varför de inte ockuperat resten
troligen haft någon stad under belägring och kanske ockuperad men har aldrig vedergällat med vrede utan mer varit kall och kalkylerade
Kanske inte ens tagit hämd?
Hämd är barbariskt?
De bara gick in, tog x 1000 guld worth
Gick ut
Left the women unraped and all
Eller lol
"This covers it, lets move"
Våldtog exakt samma mängd kvinnor och män
Haha de hade en filosof med som hade ett papperark
Asså det är ju typ värre
Public executive rape
Man lär resten se på
också en anledning till varför de flesta låter dom vara
Kvitterat av borgmästare i stan
146 rapes and 5% interest. Sign here
"Hurry up Catonius; we don't have all day"
nej nej, "antingen så blir det x våldtäkter eller så ger ni oss x slavar"
En tanke. Men jag gillar lawful idiot här
Verkligen 100% samma
De tog säkert några slavar när de anföll först
Så lika många
Och lol
Inga krav på att få tillbaka sina slavar
De blev ju tillfångatagna Fair and square
De kunde försvårar sig
Men vi vill ha lika måbga
De slavarna från Mistofor också 100% lojala till fria
Även om de var Primus son liksom
jag gillar dom här lawful idiots 😂
Captured enemy Mayor:
"Good day. Today we will do countenance.
We have already taken x 1000 gold worth of property. Please specify 146 women to be raped and 7 men. Also specify 15 soldiers to be taken slaves, 346 freemen as slaves and 30 of your slaves.
When done. Sign here"
Typ värre psykologisk krigskonst än att bara komma och plundra
Undra hur populär borgmästaren blir efter
Förtroende för staten etc
Det är ju som att dra ur ryggraden på hela befolkningen
oh god
Om han vägrar våldtar man honom och blir slav. Går ber på vice borgmästare och fortsätter nedåt
"what if i refuse?"
"yes, what IF you refused?"
Tänker att iaf Mistofor moral säger att underåriga skonas rättvisan tills de är gamla nog att ta egna beslut
Asså typ 13 år 😛
Ungas brott läggs på deras,föeäldrsr
ja, mer benägen kanske att hålla sig i skinnet då
Asså jag är öppen för öppet sjuka samhällen men just detta kan undvika denna gång
Ja för om du inte är myndig får dina föräldrar spöa skiten ur dig
Så vi har lite sjuka där med. Great
Men man kommer inte undan
Om man ska göra medeltida samhällen
Men jag känner att Mistofor redan nu default behöver en strikt handelsmässig motpart. Större med bättre flotta och mycket större armé
Kanske 10ggr eller mer
Och några olika varianter
Tänker kanske 7 dominanta city states och så 20+ mindre
Mistofor är typ no 8
Men lite unik
För liten för att dominera men för stor och för bra för att besegra
haha lite så 😀 and "a bit of an eye sore" för de större  city states
Oh ja
Samtidigt inte sällsynt att man tar en temporär allians mot någon
De ser Mistofor som ett verktyg
Mistofor ser sig själva som händerna som drar i snören på hela Acadia
Behåller balansen
helt korrekt. medans de mindre city states runt om tycker nnågorlunda gott om Mistofos
Jag tänker mig lite son Dushyant så om poliser
Don't be friends or enemies
Tänker att resterande 20 är affilierade med en större
Iaf till 50-60%
Av deras kraft lovad till den större
Men definitivt kanske några wannabes?
Och några som skulle vilja vara affilierade men Mistofor kan inte försvara dem i ett större perspektiv
Om Mistofor skulle ge ett "all hands on deck" emot en extern fiende skulle nog alls city States joina
Vi skulle kunna importera lite djur från Australien för att bara sätta tonen på området..
Spindlar är ju essentiellt sett bra
Tänk om de har ett litet kavalleri som rider på spindlar eller har war spiders som det fanns där sögs?
haha, fking austrailia
Kanske något för framtiden och Dragon Continent
känns som det är lite out of place men säkert fauna som är stora spindlar som är ett pest problem
Och att ta "stora spindlar" är lite "cheap fantasy" så jag tänker snarast små och farliga spindlar
Och lite ormar
Förstärker lite "man måste alltid vara uppmärksam "
kanske lindormar
I områdena
att det kan före komma
Jag tänker mer orkar och spindlar som en del av vardagligt liv
sure 🙂
Vad sägs om "en gång var 12e år är det mating season  för limdormar och många byar invaderas av hundratals wormlings"
ja det blir ju bra 🙂
Dvs hela landsbygden med
Ytterligare en anledning att inte invadera Mistofor lol
"The start of the Wild hunt"
Ok men kanske man kan tämja vissa?
Jag gillar idén med stark infanteri (bara)
Men något "fantastiskt" får plats
Kanske inte Mounts
Men hunter pet equivalence
Ja, det kanske passar bra in med ett starkt infanteri och en lite mer specialiserad typ Hunter (kanske kallas Beast Master eller nåt) med lindormar
Det finns lite jätteödlor söder om havet mef
Men grejen får då bli att djuren lär sig slåss i formation
Dvs tvärt emot war dogs
De blir en pusselbit i ett fruktansvärt lego
yepp och att de är något ovärdeliga så dom används inte frikostigt
Används där det behövs och gör mest nytta
Inklusive chansen att dö
Liksom varje soldat
Som också är åratals investering av resurser per individ
Ett djur har högre kostnad och output
Men är det i samma kalkyl
Jag tänker mig att brädspel är andra,stora grejen efter stridsträning!
Alltså sån som man faktiskt spelade för 500 år sedan
"There is a general mistrust of anything magical, especially the Sickle, which is hated. As such, the Sickle has made a point to open a well staffed and well-protected venue in every major Anacia city. "
Sitter och uppdaterar http://www.hokaland.com/wiki/Anacia_City_States
Hemma med barn nu
Sitter vid datorn och skriver nu
Om jag inte svarar alltså
Tänkte jag uppdaterar City States först och sedan skapar en Mistofor artikel som vi kan arbeta it
Börjat förbereda för en "few-off" med dig i Lofty Peaks.
En tanke är att retconan in någon mer spelare

Latest revision as of 21:46, 2 January 2020

Mistofor is the smallest of the greater city states and biggest of the minor. Significant for excelling in military prowess (infantry especially) and for never have been occupied. The culture of the city and associated areas is of almost obscene adherence to "the order of things" or simply "Seira". Almost all aspects of the society and culture has some utilitarian function.

Mistofor is mostly known for its military and that their city has never been captured by an invader.


Mistofor is a utilitarian cast society where individuals are tried during adolescence and assigned a cast depending on their strengths. Though there isn't strong "castism", there is still a level of that and a strong sense of worth based on cast. A lot of the time focus is about being the best "in your cast", mainly because leaving your cast is a crime you are banished for and if ever returned, death (after a faux trial). Having said that, every citizen is expected to be a member of the greater army, workers can accomplish some administrative work, clerics can come up with strategies and some philosofers are beefcake. As long as you dont upset the order of things, there is a small amount of social elevations.

Other than that, the society is mostly non-sexist as that would be against the order of things. It makes no sense to be judgemental when you can spend that energy to train to be better at what you do. Cheaters that are caught do tend to not like their comuppances though. However, there is still only a small minority of women among the Warrior cast.

Honour is closely tied in to Seira and unlike similar cultures in our world, celebrated. Mistofor itself and its surroundings are full of monuments to great men and women.


  1. Warriors - The backbone of the society
  2. Philosofers - Intellectual elites and strategists
  3. Clerics - Usefull skilled individuals who assist the war machinery (including priests, oracles, educators, diplomats and spies)
  4. Workers - Other citizen; usually without their own land
  5. Slaves - The only people without ownership of themselves


The political leader of the Mistofor is the Kaziera.

Election process for Kaziera:

  • All citizens have 1 vote, bringing forth a candidate from their cast
  • 5 candidates brought forward.
  • Taken through "The Arena" which really is tactics, maths, philosophy, religion and the Arena (Arena first)
  • Candidates are allowed to use lethal force, but this is very much frowned upon
  • Each branch gives points and highest points win

Kaziera elects a Vice Kaziera.

Speaker of Senate is third in line.

  • Speaker of senate is elected (by vote) in Senate.

General is fourth in line.

Stays for 10 years. At year 10 (and every 5 years after) the Senate votes on whether to hold re-election or continue as usual.

Never re-elect during an ongoing war.

Election process for Senators:

  • Per province
  • All Citizen may apply. Taken through the Lesser Arena (run speed, thro spear, theory etc). 99% discarded
  • 5 candidates go to The Arena


Every citizen is his own advocate in times of law issues. Slaves and young are not citizen so the responsibility lies on the owner or parent.


  • Adamastos, First Kaziera of Mistofor, The Beast Slayer* of [important battle].
    • Legends tells of the man who slayed countless mounted adversaries by foot with his Glavie Fýsima at a the crucial moment where defeat seemed inevitable, his movement, strength and endurance seemed out of this world. Thus Adamastos was given the epiteth "The Beast Slayer". Fought men from the X mountains, generally referred to as "the beasts".


For an outsider Mistoforian armour looks to be identical for each soldier. In reality there are differences any Mistoforian would instantly recognise.

Armour is made at the volcano Kolasi in the Mistiforan archepilago. One twelveth of the material is taken from the lava of the volcano itself, the rest being a steel compound. Any more or less than 1/12 results in poor or porous steel. The would-be warrior also opens his veins and pours his own blood into the mixture. The result is an unreal alloy wich is exceptionally light and is carried with ease by its owner.

The process is a secret to only the highest political and military leaders. For most people, the simple act of using the volcano to forge is enough to create this spectacular metal. Even warriors donating blood are unaware of the specifics, other than feeling that the armour truly is theirs. A user who has imbued blood into their armour has increased instincts while wearing it.

Armour has also been handed down from parent to child for generations, seemingly becoming even better with the ages. Some warriors have even testified their armour had spoken to them or given them visions of incoming blows before they happened.

When the last descendant of an armour owner dies, the armour itself looses its shine and becomes dull and heavy. Such an armour is virtually indestructible but heavier than led and the tradition is to move it to the Halls of Rememberance together with the life history of the armour (stories abotu its users).


While Mistofor has never been taken, areas of Mistofor control have been occupied at times but usually not for long. Mistofor has responded in kind by simply documenting Countenance (counting back in equal measure) in accordance with the order of things, and then invading the invader's home to pusrue the Countenance. Some Philosopher is brought with accurate lists of losses from the original invasion, including the value of items, violated citizen and lost slaves. The Philosopher would, after the military action is concluded, bring the mayor of the city to him and go through the numbers, asking the leader to provide wealth of equivalent measure, women and men that shall put through public executive rape on the spot and slaves to be taken.

Should the mayor refuse, his own home will first be emptied, himself raped and then himself taken as slave. Then the vice mayor, and going down in whatever order that city uses until all numbers are met or a leader provides appointments on which items/people to be affected. Naturally, there is an important distinction between citizen and slaves.

Generally, Mistoforians accept an attempted invasion and the prowess of their adversary. Any slaves taken are taken and will not be demanded back; other slaves will be taken in turn to even the scores. If a Mistoforian is taken as a slave then then he or she failed to defend themselves and rightfully belong to their new master. If a child is taken, its parents failed to protect it (however another child WILL be taken in turn). There is, however, plenty of precendence of families voluntarily purchasing the slaves back at a reasonable price (or else the takes is upsetting the order of things). During time of being a slave, a Mistofor will be an exceptionally loyal and good worker.

This methodical and emotionless custom is one of many reasons neighbouring kingdoms and city states are hesitant to attack Mistoforian lands.


In and around Mistofor there are several species of large spiders and vicious snakes. All part of the everyday ritual in Mistofor includes being very viligant for lethal dangers under every pillow.

One significant animal is the lindworm, of which a lot lives on the nearby islands. Every few years the islands are invaded by thousands of the spawn, which needs to be dealt with. Some of these are taken and trained as beasts of war for the military at great cost of lives and effort. The spawn is the "The start of the Wild hunt", denoted by this event.


Warrior ideas

Mainly close-combat (classic)

Specialised troops

vallistres (ballistae - βαλλίστρες vallístres)

Factions nav (e)
Main Religions Peoples Kingdoms & Noble Houses (Ascendancy)

Alchemists' Guild
Capitoleum Militia
Chamber of Commerce
Chamber of Shadows
Court of Houses
Court of Justice
Family Register
Harbour Master
Shadow Chamber
Wyny War Academy

Church of Rahn
Orthodox Church
True Faith
Elven Religion
Dwarven Religion
Halfling Religion
Dragon Cults
Hawk Cults





Selwen *




Selwen *
Brave **
Tally **



Anacia City States



Chivalric orders
Magic users
Mercenary bands
Northern tribes

Other: Tall