CoS 1/Status

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Day Barovia Party Long Rest Party-related Others External
-2y - ... ... ...

First emerald stolen from Wizard of Wines by Lysaga, Davian blames Urwin, causing long-lasting family issues.

-1y - ... ... ...

The "Mad Mage" showed up, conspired with a small band of trapped adventurers, rallied people from Barovia and some surrounding places, armed them, prepared with spells and magical items stormed the castle.

-x - ... ... ...
  • Ludmilla Vilisevic (smartest) plan:
    • Four months weeks ago: Found out about Tatyana's latest reincarnation
      • Not prompting Strahd but starting to monitor and plan - need to de-consecrate the church
      • Forced Henrik to store vampire spawns (teleported in) as threat to Henrik
      • Trying to find out who knows what consecrates it
    • Few weeks ago: Figured out Milivoj probably knows - not trusting Henrik
    • One week-ish ago: Took advantage of Bluto to ask Milivoj
    • Trap is set
    • Glyph of Warding Clairvoyance -> attack
  • Few weeks ago: Lazlo, Hans, and Franz fled from pains & the Headmistress
-25 - [G1] Goncai's party arrive (double check) ... ... ...
-1 - ... ... ... Strahd glimpses Ireena & strategize
0 - ... ... ... Strahd orders Arrigal/Stanimir out; Some Wizard-OW attacks start
1 - ... ... ... [Festival:?] Full-moon
2 - ... ... ... ...
3 - ... ... ... Kolyan attacks
4 - ... ... Stanimir/Arrigal recruit Kolyan attacked; Vasili -> Bluto re bones
5 - ... ... Stanimir/Arrigal en route Kolyan attacked; Bluto -> Milivoj; Milivoj ask Yeska
6 1 Arrive. Durst Durst Manor (kids' room) Rahadin gold; druids activate Kolyan's messenger & Kolyan heart attack
7 2 [G32] Durst. Zombies. Granny. Doru. Goncai. GrthPow Barovia Burgomaster's Scrying, interest Bones stolen, given by Wachter
8 3 Burial & Clean the well Barovia Burgomaster's Vasili & guards leave; Ludmilla & Rahadin trip [Festival: Wolf head jamboree] Full-moon
9 4 [G34] Vasili. Madam Eva. Treants. GoncPow Vatu Farm - WPE Druid first (real) attack (r); Vasili arrives Barovia, Doru's necklace
10 5 Travel. Old Durst Mill. LunPow. Z/D Frm Daggr - save children. Rado Ranch - WPW (haunt) Hags reorganise; Gertruda flee; Arrigal leaves for Liam's Hold ...
11 6 Banderhobbs. Windmill look, search party (r).
Z/D Liam's - "scout". Arrigal.
Goncai's Tower, E Vallaki (safe) Rahadin & Popovich (r) - Rahadin report ...
12 7 Gertruda. Vallaki. Bluto/Arabelle.

Z/D arrive

Goncai's Tower, Vistani (haunt) Ernst talk guard, take notice; ...
13 8

[G38] Kasimir. Orphanage. BWPow. Wachter.
Coffin Maker. Rictavio. Baron.
Z/D Krezk & sleep at tower. Nibbins arrive & taken.

Goncai's Tower, S. Gate (safe) Ernst engaged; S* scrying a lot; Rahadin invite to Ravenloft Druids attack WizardOW driving Martikovs out;
Bluto -> Arabelle;
14 9 Vasili. Explosion. -Luna +Darling +Ziff. Wagon. Tome. Tyger. DinnerRvlft. +Nibbins Ravenloft Vasili on spot; Vallaki stirring; S* hosting. ...
15 10 Wizard-OW. Wizard of Wines Izek accuse Goncai of theft (Victor turn Izek sheep). Victor teleports. Fiona give bones to S*, invite, deconsecrate w Yeska's blood. Strahd later visits Yester Hill. [Festival: Blazing Sun] S*'s weather. Riots. Danica/Urwin talks - Urwin & Keepers of the Feather defend, Danika & 2 women check on Davian. Fiona kills several guards. Werewolf steals a child in Krezk. Full-moon
16 11 Yester Hill. Danika. BWPow2. DPow1. Hags (r). Something Blue. Kid missing. Abbot (dress). Krezk Mayor Strahd visits Yester Hill. Mission (save Vallaki) to Zif. Fiona full control of Vallaki, burns reformation center. Ludmilla at Tsolenka; sends G.Dw to Den. Anastrasya communicating with Aboleth (polymorph to Izek later?).
17 12 Re-try pool. Travel to werewolves. Fight G.Dw. Meet Huntress. Kill Kiril. Vineyard Ludmilla (@ Tsolenka) surprised to see party. G.Dw dead. Rahadin teleport to Abbey w Beucephalus. Fiona organised blood tax
18 13 To Yester Hill. Multi-fight + flee. Attack on vineyard Vineyard? Rahadin Fiona recovers as much as possible from Baron's library
19 - ... ... ... ...
(r) = Random . S* = Strahd


  • Nights in Barovia: Actual [5] - Resistance [+5]
    • Day 11: ROLL!
  • The Moonspawn [5]
  • Haunting
    • ROLL! (d10)


  • Nights in Barovia: Actual [5] - Resistance [+2]
    • Day 11: lvl2 = -10
  • Accepted aid from Yog (day 8)
  • Addiction lvl +1 [1] (night 7)
    • +1 [2] (night 8)
    • -0 [2] (night 9)
    • -1 [1] (night 10)
  • Haunting
    • -7 [55-7=48] (night 10)
  • Total HP: 38


  • Nights in Barovia: Actual [34+3] - Resistance [+20]
  • Day 11: ROLL!


  • Nights in Barovia: Actual [~] - Resistance [+20]
    • Day 11: ROLL!
  • Hemorrhage 3 (Lower your maximum HP by 3 per level +3) - gash on the left side - (day 8)
    • Night 8 - Free success on clean as I had not described this in detail
    • Night 8 - Free success on Con due to same
    • Status: 2 (Lower your maximum HP by 2 per level +2) = -12
    • Night 9 - Free success on clean
    • Night 9 - Success [2]
    • Night 10 - Success [1]
    • Night 11 - ROLL!


  • Nights in Barovia: Actual [5] - Reistance [+2]
    • Day 11: ROLL!
  • Addiction
    • +1 [1] (night 7)
    • +1 [2] (night 8)
    • -0 [2] (night 9)
    • -0 [2] (night 10)


  • Nights in Barovia: Actual [5] - Resistance [+0]
    • Day 11: ROLL!
  • Teeth: 30/32
    • One lost in dream
    • One lost at bargain


  • Leg injury (left) - Day 6 (2022-09-27)
    • Injury Check Day 6 fail (no infection)
    • Healed 20hp on day 7

Daniel E Kev (Kevavor) Link Link +4 31 15 +3 +5 15 -1 +3* +2 -1 +1 +5* +2