A Divine Gift is a gift handed from a god, deity or a powerful vestige of one.
Gift title
Dahlver-Nar, He of Many Teeth
The gift of many lives
Resurrection, at the cost of teeth
- First:
- If you die, you are affected by an effect similar to the spell Reincarnate spell but with 25% of its maxium hit points and 1d4 Con damage. If you have 0 or less Con after this, you will regain 1 Con per hour until you have at least 1.
- If given upon death, instead revive the original body, gain full HP, temporary HP equal to hit point maximum, and the ability starts charged
- If given in an agreement, gain full HP and temporary HP equal to hit point maximum
- First: You choose a tooth to give up, become heterochromatic with one eye of your old colour and one turning purple. The eyes stay if you are resurrected into a new body
Drizlash, the Nine-Eyed Spider
The gift of wall-walking
Spidery gifts
- First:
- Gain permanent effects of the Spider Climb spell and Darkvision up to a range of 30 feet
- If given upon death, you are revived with full HP and also enjoy tremorsense 30 feet for 10 minutes
- If given in an agreement, gain full HP and for a one minute become aware of all life forms, undead creatures and extraplanar creatures within 60 feet
- First: Gain an extra eye somewhere on your body. The eye is blind and always open.
Delban, the Star of Ice
The gift of deadly cold
Cold-related powers
- First:
- Gain the ability to cast an ice version of Burning Hands twice, recharged after a long or short rest. Cast at spell level half of character level.
- Gain Resistance to cold and Weakness to Fire
- If given upon death, you are revived with full HP and under the effects of Armor of Agathys cast at a level 2 spell slot
- If given in an agreement, gain full HP and for a one minute become aware of all life forms, undead creatures and extraplanar creatures within 60 feet
- Second:
- Armor of Agathys twice, recharged after a long or short rest. Cast at spell level half of character level.
- First: Your eyes turn icy cold. You randomly gather frost on your brow, hair or beard
Fekre, the Queen of Poxes
The gift of disease (notably accepted by (Negnal)
Great Taar Haak, the Five-Headed Destroyer
The gift of great strength
- Vecna, the God of Secrets
The gift of evil
- Vampyr, the Undying
The gift of immortality (notably accepted by Strahd)
- Tenebrous the Knowledgeable
The gift of lichdom (notably accepted by Khazan)
- Zhudun, the Corpse Star
The gift of raising the ancient dead (notably sought by Kasimir)
- Zrin-Hala, the Howling Storm
The gift of lightning (also accepted by Negnal)
- Sykane, the Soul Hungerer
The gift of raising the recently deceased
- Savnok the Inscrutable
The gift of mind shielding
- Tarakamedes, the Grave Wyrm
The gift of flight
- Shami-Amourae, the Lady of Delights
The gift of persuasion
- Zantras, the Kingmaker
The gift of presence and personality
- Khirad, the Star of Secrets
The gift of divination
- Yrrga, the Eye of Shadows
The gift of true sight
- Yog the Invincible
The gift of resilience
- Norganas, the Finger of Oblivion
The gift of creating undeath
- Vaund the Evasive
The gift of evasion
- Seriach, the Hell Hound Whisperer
The gift of beasts