Divine Gift

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A Divine Gift is a gift handed from a god, deity or a powerful vestige of one.

. .

This article contains SPOILERS! Continue read at risk of spoiling the experience for yourself.




Essentially, the rules I used for these gifts were:

    Death before lvl 5 resulted in a Dark Power intercepting the PC's soul in the mist, giving them the option of resurrection with Stage 1 of their gift.
    At lvl 5, a PC can reach out to their Dark Power to receive Stage 1 their gift
    At lvl 7, a PC is asked by their Dark Power if they would like more power.
        If they say yes, gift progresses to Stage 2
        If no, the offer stays open.
    At lvl 9, it's the same as lvl 7, but gift progresses to Stage 3.
    At any point during this process, a character who has not received their gift yet can call upon their Dark Power and receive all the gifts their level allows
    At the Amber Temple, they can visit their Dark Power and choose to make a Pact, this unlocks the rest of their gift, but also may have a price to pay. It also condemns them to being trapped in The Domains of Dread.

For those who have no idea what I'm talking about and would like to see our playthrough, you can find the series here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRriJ4swzIY&list=PLruqoIF23LV910443_s_j9tygFEotfukE



Level 1
Perma spell (lvl 2)
Cantrip x2

lots of little spells eye magic
spell lvl 1

Orc traits ("charge"/carry)

Level 2
Spell lvl 1
Spell lvl 4?
Spell lvl 1

more wild magic
more eye magic

+orcish fury
feat ish
spell ish lvl 4

Level 3
Permanent lvl 4 spell
Spell lvl 4

more wild magic
more eye magic

see in magic darkness
cast darkness 1/rest

Transport via Plants (lvl 4)
Knowledge of how to Re-Consecrate the Fanes

Gain non-attune items
feats x2
Reincarnate 1/day
extra eye

demon armor
change race



  • Channelled Boon - At times, you will gain a small boon from your gift-giver. Boons to choose from:
    • Reroll (stacks with inspiration and can be used on the same roll)
    • 2d8 + lvl healing
    • 1d8 + lvl temporary hit points
    • If you at any point have Channelled Boon Reroll and then receives Inspiration from any source you gain 1 temporary HP per level (cumulative with other temporary hp).



He of Many Teeth

Gift: The gift of many lives - Resurrection, at the cost of teeth

1 By the Skin of Your Teeth

If given upon death, it's painful but instead of a 25% hp and con damage your maximum HP is doubled for 1 hour and you gain full HP to that limit.

If given in an agreement, your maximum HP is doubled for 1 hour and you gain full HP and you may cast Revivify once without any material component during the next hour.

  • Change: You choose a tooth to give up, become heterochromatic with one eye of your old colour and one turning purple. The eyes stay if you are resurrected into a new body. The lost tooth is a Greater Tooth Component.
  • Innate Reincarnate - If you die you are affected by a modified and painful Reincarnate spell.
    • Extended race list 2.
    • Your new body starts with 25% of its maxium hit points and you take 1d3 Con damage. If this brings your con to under 1, you are unconscious (not dead) and you will regain 1 Con after one hour.
    • If you Reincarnate, a tooth is lost (keep track, 32 to start with!) and the new body also lack it.
    • Lose physical racial features except for ability scores such as darkvision or breath weapons (consult GM).
    • Gain +1d2 on a thematic ability score appropriate to the new race. Gain all other racial features. Consult the GM.
  • Soul Drinker - If a sentient creature that has a soul dies within 5 ft of you (or a "marked" creature - like a Hex or Hunter's Mark - is killed by you at any range on the same plane of existence), a faint outline of mist leaves the creature's body and enters your mouth and eyes, granting you a Channelled Boon.

2 Reincarnate

  • Change: You lose a tooth. You start growing teeth, eyes or other oddities in odd places. The pains involved with Reincarnation are significantly lessened.
  • Innate Reincarnate - If you Reincarnate, your new body gains 50% of its maxium hit points and you take 1 Con damage instead. You may take 2 Con damage instead of 1 to add or subtract up to 7 from the race selection roll.
    • As an action, you may use your gift to Reincarnate someone else.
      • Lose a tooth and expend a Greater Tooth Component then your ability stops working until recharged.
      • The target is reincarnated as per the lower level of this ability.
      • Following a long rest you may attempt to recharge the reincarnate ability; make a flat DC 15 check. On a success, or after at most 5 long rests, the ability is recharged.
      • You may voluntarily take any number of Con damage to give yourself a circumstance bonus on the roll (see Healing 5e for how to regain it).
  • Teeth of Dahlver-Nar - Every time you lose a tooth to Innate Reincarnate, make a flat DC 11 check; on success the lost tooth becomes a tooth of Dahlver-Nar (DM's call) that you may reinsert, keep or give away.
    • Any number of implanted teeth of Dahlver-Nar in your mouth together count as ONE attuned item.
  • Soul Drinker - Increase range to 10 feet and now also includes "marked" creatures killed by others.
  • Boon of Dahlver-Nar - The Channelled Boon choices changes to:
    • Dahlver-Nar's Inspiration: When the Inspiration is used, it also casts Bane on a other target of your choice within 30ft (no concentration). If there is no other character nearby you are the target.
    • 2d8 + lvl healing and half that to another character of your chocie within 30 ft (if there is no other character you only gain half).
    • 1d8 + lvl temporary hit points and half that to another character of your chocie within 30 ft (if there is no other character you only gain half).
    • You gain a temporary spell slot of 3rd lvl that lasts until your next long rest. If you don't have spell-casting abilities, the spell is a 3rd lvl Hex.
  • Innate Spellcasting - Gain the ability to innately cast spells at will. If you have spell slots you may choose to use one to cast one of these spells without their modifications.
    • Inflict Wounds at spell level 3 (3d10). When you deal damage in this way, you deal the same amount of unpreventable necrotic damage to someone within 30 ft you consider an ally or yourself (consult GM), you heal 1d10 hp to yourself and gain 1d10 temporary HP.
    • Life Transferrance. After rolling damage and reducing your HP, remove the highest die before giving double the remaining 3d8 to the recipient. You may reverse the use on a willing target or a target failing a DC 15 Con save rolled with advantage to drain someone else's life energy but the damage and gain are the same. If you kill someone in this way, every ally within 120ft gain a Boon of Dahlver-Nar unless they are beyond a barrier of at least a foot or a thin skeet of lead.


Completing the pact includes two parts; a prompt in the Amber Temple and to defeat Ceithlenn's hold of Barovia

  • Terrence


the Nine-Eyed Spider

Gift: The gift of wall-walking - Spidery gifts


  • Gain permanent effects of Spider Climb as well as Darkvision up to a range of 30 feet
  • Gain the ability to cast Web once per long or short rest
  • Gain the ability to cast Gift of Alacrity or Identify once per long rest
  • If given upon death, you are revived with full HP and also enjoy tremorsense 30 feet for 1 hour
  • If given in an agreement, gain full HP, enjoy tremorsense 30 feet for 1 hour, and for one minute become aware of all life forms, undead creatures and extraplanar creatures within 60 feet


  • First: Gain an extra eye somewhere on your body. The eye is blind and always open.


the Star of Ice

Gift: The gift of deadly cold - Cold-related powers


  • Gain the ability to cast Frost Fingers twice per long or short rest.
  • Gain the ability to cast Rime's Binding Ice once per long rest.
  • Gain Resistance to cold and Weakness to Fire. Effects of temperatures is skewed one step towards cold (comfortable in cold, uncomfortable in hot)
  • After killing a target with cold damage, gain a Channeled Boon.
  • If given upon death, you are revived with full HP and under the effects of Armor of Agathys cast at a level 2 spell slot
  • If given in an agreement, gain full HP and under the effects of Armor of Agathys cast at a level 2 spell slot, reapplied up to two times if the shield is used up within the first 10 minutes


  • Gain the ability to cast Armor of Agathys once, recharged after a long or short rest. The spell is cast as a level 3 spell slot.
  • Gain the ability to cast Ice Storm at will. If so cast, you take 3d8 unpreventable necrotic damage.


  • First: Your eyes turn icy cold. You randomly gather frost on your hair, brow or beard



Fanes of Barovia

The Triade

The Ladies Three

The Weaver, The Huntress & The Seeker

Gift of The Ladies Three

Druidic powers

Gift of the Woods

If given upon death, you are revived with full HP and gain Stoneskin for 1 hour.

If given in an agreement, gain full HP, gain Stoneskin for 1 hour and you become under the effects of Fire Shield; you choose warm or cold shield

  • Changes: Your eye colour becomes emerald, your skin takes on streaks of green and grass and leaves start spontaneously growing in your hair, brow and beard. Animals look at you strangely and seem to heed your words.
  • Nature's Loremaster:
    • Gain the ability to speak and understand Druidic.
    • When making any Survival, Handle Animal, Persuasion or Deception checks towards an animal in the forest you roll with advantage.
    • Gain Proficiency in Nature. If you already have proficiency in Nature, check in turn Survival, Handle Animal, Medicine or Perception and pick the first one you lack proficiency in to gain that instead. If you are proficient in all of these you instead gain double proficiency bonus on Nature checks. If you already have double proficiency bonus in Nature, pick a skill like how you would pick a proficiency to gain the double bonus there instead.
    • Gain the Shillelagh and Druidcraft cantrips (or two other Druid Cantrips if you already have these)
  • Nature's Protection: Gain the effects of permanent Barkskin, but the feature disappears if you take fire damage. As an action you can dismiss it or you may actively increase the potency of this ability, gaining persistent Stoneskin and Protection from Energy for 10 minutes (choose energy type), not requiring concentration. After 10 minutes, Barkskin, Stoneskin and Protection from Energy all disappear. If removed, Barkskin returns after a long or short rest.
  • Nature's Zealot: Gain the ability to Rage like the barbarian class feature. If you already have the ability to Rage, gain one additional use of it between long rests. After you critically hit any abomination against nature (undead, abberations, fiends, devils and demons), gain a Channeled Boon.

Gift of the Swamp

  • Nature's Loremaster:
    • Gain proficiency in the next skill like the Gift of the Woods.
    • When making any Survival, Handle Animal, Persuasion or Deception checks towards an animal or plant in or near a swamp or forest, you roll with advantage.
    • Gain the ability to speak with plants.
    • Gain the Whip cantrip (or one other Druid Cantrips if you already have these).
  • Nature's Protection:
    • You no longer lose the Barkskin effect unless you choose to and can use the higher potency ability twice before a long or short rest. When the potency is activated, Protection from Poison is cast on you with a duration of 10 minutes.
    • Every time you wake up after a Long Rest, one Goodberry has grown on each of your fingers.
  • Nature's Zealot: Whenever you use the Rage ability, you may have Zephyr Strike bestowed upon on you, not requiring concentration. This ability recharges on a Long Rest.


Bigwig, as a way to attone to his cursed deeds



the Queen of Poxes

The gift of disease (Negnal)

Great Taar Haak

the Five-Headed Destroyer

The gift of great strength

Strength-related and using it

1 Great Strength

If given upon death, you are revived with full HP and gain a +5 bonus to Strength for 1 hour.

If given in an agreement, gain full HP and gain a +5 bonus to Strength for 1 hour. Your unarmed attacks deal 5 extra damage for 10 minutes and the damage is magical

  • Changes: Your voice deepens and you become visibly more muscular. When moving it almost seems like it's slower and more deliberate.
  • Physical Prowess:
    • Gain +2 Strength and increase the maximum Strength you can get from Ability Score Improvements by 2.
    • Gain the ability to cast Enhance Ability as a 2nd level spell (but only Strength) once per long or short rest.
    • Gain the Rage feature from the Barbarian class. If you already had the Rage feature, or you gain it later, instead gain +1 use and +2 damage while raging.
    • You now critically hit on 19 & 20 instead of just 20.
  • Demand Respect:
    • If you roll a 20 on a Strenght check, attack, or save, gain a Channelled Boon.
    • If you manage to make a person feel belittled (DM's discretion), gain a Channelled Boon.


5-headed thing



the Star of Secrets

The gift of divination

scrying? mind read? [1]


the Finger of Oblivion

The gift of creating undeath


the Inscrutable

The gift of mind shielding


the Hell Hound Whisperer

The gift of beasts


the Lady of Delights

The gift of persuasion

Convincing, seducing, controlling

1 Amourous Influence

If given upon death, you are revived with full HP and you may use your new gifts at will for up to an hour (duration is also up to an hour from the revival).

If given in an agreement, gain full HP and you may use your new gifts at will like "upon death" and any of your skill checks or saves using Charisma has advantage for 10 minutes

  • Changes: Your appearance is altered individually depending on whom is observing you, adding a trait which that particular person finds alluring. In any room, you are noticed and at least some of what you say will be taken very seriously.
  • Amourous Authority:
    • Gain the ability to cast Charm Person or Suggestion twice per long rest.
    • Gain the Friends cantrip.
    • When you cast Friends, Charm Person or Suggestion, you do not need to concentrate on it.
  • Influence Galore:
    • When a creature within 30 ft of you makes a roll that adds her Charisma bonus to the result or makes a Wisdom save, as a reaction you may force that creature to roll an additional die and you choose which result they use. This ability recharges on a Long Rest.


Greyhawk actual succubi demon lord


the Soul Hungerer

The gift of raising the recently deceased

Raise dead

Greed/fair dues


the Grave Wyrm

The gift of flight

Skeletal wings


the Knowledgeable

The gift of arcane knowledge (Khazan)

Knowledge leading to becoming a lich


Every time you gain spells from Tenebrous, at least 2 must be from the school of Necromancy.


When in contact with Tenebrous the Knowledgeable it feels like being in a school hall with no other students and the omnipresent feeling of a teacher that has high expectations, ever judging and ever withholding some knowledge until you "are worthy". His voice is dry and calculated slow. He will impart knowledge even if it kills you and you will, eventually, listen.

The halls may show some feeling of countless book shelves with ever more countless books. The sound of dust hitting shelves and floor is almost palpatable.

1 Initiate of Tenebrous

If given upon death, you are revived with full HP and +5 to Intelligence for up to an hour.

If given in an agreement, gain full HP, cure any magical disease or poison as well as any intelligence damage and gain +5 to Intelligence for up to an hour and any skill check or save using Intelligence has advantage for 10 minutes.

  • Changes: Your appearance becomes slightly more gaunt and your skin a hue paler. You start to notice the illogical and stupid comments people around you make more clearly.
  • Tenacious Knowledge:
    • Gain two additional languages. If you don't already know Draco, that must be one of the languages
    • If you don't have Wizard levels you gain one level of the Wizard class, but use your highest mental ability instead of Intelligence. A spellbook written in your hand appears in your inventory.
      • Your future level gain effects are delayed; after your next Long Rest make a DC 21 flat check and if you succeed you gain the benefits of the level. For every subsequent Long Rest, add +5 to the roll.
      • If you haven't received the benefits by the 5th Long Rest it's automatically acquired. Should you gain another level in the meanwhile, gain the effects of one level-up and start a new level effect delay period for the newly acquired level instead.
      • If you take one level of Wizard yourself, this delay goes away.
    • If you have Wizard levels you gain +2 Intelligence and increase the maximum Intelligence you can get from Ability Score Improvements by 2 as well as instantly learn 3d2 valid spells from PHB, added to your spellbook in your handwriting.
  • Eldritch Knowledge: Gain the ability to cast Warding Bond once per Long or Short Rest without material components and add it to your spellbook.

2 Student of Tenebrous

Changes: Your skin turns very light and your eyes grow deeper into their sockets with tiny folds of skin accompanying the change. You have palpable enjoyment from learning new spells, languages or eldritch facts. Any fact learned is a small pleasure but arcane or eldritch tidbits draws your attention more than the need to breathe. Stupid comments are hard to avoid commenting on and facts ought to be the topic of any conversation. Assumptions is a necessary evil, but blessedly only a temporary one.

  • Tenacious Knowledge:
    • Gain two additional languages.
    • If you have at most 1 Wizard level, you gain one more level and your Arcane Tradition becomes Necromancy. Your future level ups are delayed like the first gift but the DC is 31 instead and you can be lagging behind up to 2 level-up effects before gaining the benefits.
    • If you have 3 or more Wizard levels, you gain +2 Intelligence and increase the maximum Intelligence you can get from Ability Score Improvements by 2 as well as instantly gain 3d2 valid spells from PHB to your spellbook.
  • Gain the ability to cast Life Transference once per rest and add it to your spellbook.
  • Grim Harvest: Gain the Grim Harvest feature from the Necromancy Arcane Tradition. If you already had it, its effects are instead doubled.
  • Arcane Recovery: When you use Arcane Recovery you may restore 4 spell levels in addition to your normal amount.

3 Headmaster of Tenebrous

  • Changes: Some of your skin dries and falls off. Just as well, it no longer served a purpose. What is a visual appearance in the weary world of vain venerial people? Knowledge, learning and secrets to these things matter more. Of course people need to be tolerated because how would things progress without them but really they are such a hassle!
  • Grim Knowledge:
    • If your Arcane Tradition isn't Necromancy, add it as a second Arcane tradition.
    • If you already had any Necromancy class features, increase their powers by one factor (for instance, if you were originally a Necromancer, Grim Harvest is now three times as powerful as a regular Necromancer Wizard because it was already improved once as a Student of Tenebrous).
    • Gain the spell Animate Dead if you do not have it, otherwise another 3rd level or lower Necromancy spell. Your Animate Dead now lasts 48 hours instead of 24. You may now cast Animate Dead as a Ritual to maintain control of a zombie or skeleton.
  • Grim Resilience:
    • Gain Damage Resistances: Cold, Lightning, Necrotic and Poison as well as Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
    • Gain advantage on any save to avoid gaining Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed or Poisoned conditions and if any spell or effect normally would not allow a save to gain one for these, you may make a save at an appropriate DC anyway to avoid gaining the the condition, also at advantage.
    • Gain advantage on any Perception check to identify illusions, shapechaning or invisible creatures. Apply proficiency an additional time for passive checks.
  • Paralyzing Touch: Grow claws on your fingers and gain this ability: Paralyzing Touch Melee Spell Attack (use melee or spell to-hit bonus). Reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 10 (3d6) cold damage. The target must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If you successfully paralyze a target, gain either 1d8 healing or 1d8 temporary hit points as you siphon a small amount of their life energy from them.


Demon lord of undead

Jack, in relation to his bio father and the connections


the Undying

The gift of immortality (Strahd)

Becoming vampire


the Evasive

The gift of evasion

Evasion of scrying and dex threats


the God of Secrets

The gift of evil


Not in module


the Invincible

The gift of resilience

Hit points

1 Yog's Resilience

If given upon death, you are revived with your maximum HP doubled for 1 hour and gain full HP.

If given in an agreement, you gain your maximum HP doubled for 1 hour and gain full HP. Gain 30 temporary HP that can only be reduced by physical damage.

  • Changes: You gain some weight, height and your gait receives an unconscious swagger. You can't help but feel quite proud of yourpowerful presence.
  • Enduring Resilience:
    • Gain +2 Constitution and increase the maximum Constitution you can get from Ability Score Improvements by 2.
    • Following a Long Rest, make a flat DC 10 check. If you succeed, you permanently gain +1 HP (max: +20).
  • Summon Bulk: Gain the ability to cast Enhance Ability as a 2nd level spell (but only Constitution) once per long or short rest.
  • Second Wind: Gain the Second Wind Fighter class feature with your character level in place of Fighter levels. If you already had it or get it from a Fighter level replace it with this and gain one extra d10.
  • Relentless Endurance: Gain the Ixalan Orc race feature Relentless Endurance. (When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.)

2 Yog's Toughness

  • Changes: Your weight and height further increases. Your ears increase in size. Your eyes grow darker and your brow thicker, hair starts to grow more agressively on your chest and back. Your voice deepens with a strange organ-like resonance. Your left eye is getting boss-eyed. It's an ongoing struggle to not comment on how small others are.
  • Enduring Resilience:
    • Gain +2 Constitution and increase the maximum Constitution you can get from Ability Score Improvements by 2. (Total of +4/+4 now.)
    • Following a Long Rest you automatically succeed on the flat DC 10 check and there is no longer a maximum of permanently increased HP.
  • Summon Bulk: You may now cast this as a Bonus Action or an appropriate Reaction; it activates both Constitution and Strength from the spell or you can choose Stoneskin with a 1 minute duration instead of Enhance Ability.
  • Second Wind: You may now use this one additional time before a rest.

3 Yog's Carapace

  • Changes: Your weight and height further increases. You skin has a slight brown-ish metallic shine at some angles and hair growth increases at the back of your hands and legs. Your voice further gains an otherworldly tone.
  • Enduring Resilience:
    • Gain +2 Constitution and increase the maximum Constitution you can get from Ability Score Improvements by 2. (Total of +6/+6 now.)
  • Summon Carapace
    • Once per Short Rest as action gain a full plate +2 with some resilient ability that can be dismissed as an action


Garth is approached as it can sense the need for protection



the Kingmaker

The gift of presence and personality

Pure charisma

About Zantras

Zanthras is an entity that used to have significant power gained through influence and domination. As a vestige, he is a blackened, burning soul who is looking for a champion to become his avatar that he eventually will use to his own ends. He would like to flee Barovia but becoming its new ruler is a second best. He will only look at character with at least a mild charismatic ability and/or a noble or powerful person.

When he contacts a creature he suspects to be worthy, his voice will sound like an echo in a a marble hall spoken with a soft tone. He will compliment some charismatic attribute of the person or how they handled power and say these are like "a diamond in the rough", offering the tools to polish and improve their chances of success.

Any time a person use deception or intimidation, a wave of positivity overtakes the Blessing recipient, likely providing a Channeled Boon (but not guaranteed; GM's decision).

Blessing of the Successor

If given upon death, you are revived with full HP and gain a +5 bonus to Charisma for 1 hour.

If given in an agreement, gain full HP and gain a +5 bonus to Charisma for 1 hour and any skill check or save using Charisma has advantage for 1 hour

  • Changes: Your facial and bodily traits are altered to be more chiseled and royal; where you go people notice you. A small scar appears above your right eyebrow that accentuates your look.
  • Inner Radiance:
    • Gain +2 Charisma and increase the maximum Charisma you can get from Ability Score Improvements by 2.
    • Gain the Skill Expert feat. You must use the ASI for Charisma, if able, and either Deception or Intimidation must receive proficiency or expertise.
  • Charismatic Force:
    • If you successfully decieve or intimidate a creature (consult DM), you may impair -4 to their Wisdom or Charisma saves until the end of your next turn and then -2 to the end of their following turn. This ability recharges after a long or short rest.
  • Innate spellcasting: Gain the ability to cast Enhance Ability as a 2nd level spell (but only Charisma), recharged after a long or short rest.

Blessing of the Crown Prince

  • Changes: Your eyes gain a glowing quality to them and draws onlooker in to their more colorful depths. When you bleed, the blood is blue. A gender-role-related (though maybe not wanted) change occurs such as a slight height increase, broader shoulders, more defined body shape, fuller lips, longer eyelashes or a more generous bust/behind.
  • Inner Radiance:
    • Gain +2 Charisma and increase the maximum Charisma you can get from Ability Score Improvements by 2.
    • Gain +2 to Deception checks, Intimidation checks, Insight checks, Charisma saves and Wisdom saves.
  • Charismatic Force:
    • If you successfully decieve or intimidate a creature (consult DM), you may impair disadvantage to their Wisdom or Charisma saves until the end of your next turn and then -4 to that save until the end of their following turn. Each turn thereafter the impairment is one degree smaller, so -3 on the third turn, -2 on the fourth and no impairment on the fifth. You may use this ability twice and it recharges after a long or short rest.
  • Innate spellcasting: In addition to previous Blessing's spellcasting, add Heroism and Tounges. Their uses increase to twice per long or short rest and the spells are cast at 3rd lvl instead of 2nd.

Blessing of the Coronation

Zanthras's Avatar





Blackened, burning soul. Strives for power through 1) charismatic force 2) actual force


the Corpse Star

The gift of raising the ancient dead (notably sought by Kasimir)


the Howling Storm

The gift of lightning (also accepted by Negnal)


the Eye of Shadows

The gift of true sight

House Rules* & Roleplaying nav.. (e)


RP Intro
DnD 5e
Pathfinder 2e
DnD 3.5





Hero Points
Magic items

New Concepts



Kingdom creation



CoS 2
CoS 1
Coin & Blood



Death Attack
Magic (D20)*
  Residue Table*
Magic residue
  Rogue talent
Spell Trickery
Skill bonus
Skill training*
Damage Conversion